Wednesday, 24 June 2015

An experiment with noodles - 24th June 2015

For supper I have decided to go for a good old chicken noodle soup, homemade of course, and as an added bonus it is a favourite of him upstairs.  I usually find that one chicken breast is enough for the two of us in a soup - having made homemade pizza for the sprogs they are happy.

BUT this time, its time to shake things up a bit...

I am going all different!  No recipe!  Anyone who follows our blog should know recipes and I don't really mix that well!

Whilst at the supermarket a fortnight ago I bought some miso soup sachets.  I can't remember for the life of me why I bought these before and if I ever tried them?  Even though I'm sure I have.  Anyhoo, the idea is to poach said chicken breast in the miso soup to form some awesome concoction resembling chicken noodle soup, using the miso soup as a base.

Whilst poaching the chicken breast (about 20-25 mins on a low heat) I added some minced garlic & ginger to the soup.

Well... minced garlic is a bit of a lie.

I really couldn't be bothered to mince the garlic as I broke our garlic press about a month ago, so I chopped it up a bit and chucked it in.

Well, minced ginger is a bit of a lie too...

Look, I'm all for eating fresh produce n'all,  but ginger?! Friends will know, I don't usually advocate this... Buy it ready made folks, by the time you cut off the brown bits and try to 'grate' ginger you will end up with a load of juice on your chopping board along with really thick brown bits and a stringy bit of tree stump in your hands. Then you are left wondering "where the hell did the ginger go?"

Get the ready minced stuff,  it is the future.  Grating ginger sucks.  Big time.

Thinking about it.  I really should have asked for a new garlic press, NOT a pressure cooker... unless I mince the garlic with the pressure cooker... I may be onto something here...

What to do with a Pressure Cooker you don't know how to use.

No 1  Garlic smasher - hit garlic with cooker.

Think I'm onto a winning book there... don't tell him upstairs... he'd have a fit

Still the soup was nice, chopped garlic n'all!

Love Melissa x

PS. If you want the recipe just comment, however it is different every time I make it... like roulette...exciting

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