As I think I mentioned in the previous post, this is out first year taking it on and we have had a lot to do as it had been left in a bit of a state. So far it is a steep learning curve!
Yes we seem to be very good at keeping them fat and well fed, sadly - the cauliflowers and the brussell sprouts that we so lovingly planted - were the first casualties.
We have however learnt from our novice mistake and now have pellets, egg shells and ground coffee all over the plot in the hope of deterring them. Either that or we'll open up a weird 'lottie coffee shop. Ha. No joke they are HUGE. I'm informed they are called Leopard slugs. Now I am a nature lover but I wish the slugs would just Go. Away. Please.
Anyway I'm really looking forward to the blackberries ripening and to eating the home-grown peas (fab for the children's lunch boxes) and the sweetcorn and the tomatoes and the cucumbers........ and the list goes on.
You will soon realise that Lauren and Melissa are the main meal guru's and I prefer the sweeter things in life. With this in mind, I thought you might like to try my granny's family recipe for a good old Ma's Fatless Sponge, which Xavier and I made for an Uncle this week for his birthday.
You will need:
4 eggs
5 1/2oz castor sugar
3 1/2oz plain flour (sieved)
1 jar of jam - I used strawberry but just choose your favourite
Serious concentration required! |
- Put the eggs into a bowl and whisk well.
A double yolk - Ooo! - Beat in the sugar until it is thick, pale and creamy (like double cream).
- Fold in the flour (I always use a metal spoon for this as I seem to remember it keeps the air in better?!)
- Pour it into a baking tin and cook for 30 mins at 180 degrees C.
- Remember to check if it is cooked by sticking in a skewer. If it is ready the skewer will come out clean. If not put it back in the oven for another 5-10 mins. Yes, I did end up making 3 cakes instead of 2 because I got lazy and didn't do this important step!
- Let the cake cool. Use this time to make the second layer (steps 1 - 6).
- Warm the jam for a few minutes by putting the jar in a bowl of hot water, then mix it up with a spoon and spread all over the bottom layer. Pop the top layer on top and sprinkle with castor sugar (or icing sugar if you prefer).
Let me know what you think!
That's all for now, Georgie xx
That's all for now, Georgie xx
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