Tuesday, 23 June 2015

23rd June 2015 - At the Allotment

Just a little excited today...

We finally move into our newly erected shed which is on our allotment that we acquired only 3 weeks ago, many thanks to Georgie. When we got there it was totally overgrown, but closer inspection revealed some hidden treasures amongst the many, many, many weeds.  We found an entire bed of strawberries, masses or raspberry bushes, redcurrant bushes, gooseberry bushes and some rhubarb to boot!

Unfortunately, being the cretin that I am sometimes, I have deleted our first ever photo, I don't think Lauren will be too happy. However, here is a picture from about day 3, we had already dug over the first two raised beds.
Most of the other 8 beds we had yet to dig contained giant vegetables which had been left to their own devices, all of which sadly were totally inedible.

Perseverence and hard work won out, during the past fortnight we have been able to plant - swedes, sweetcorn, potatoes, peas, cabbage, fennel and carrots, as well as radish, lettuce and mooli amongst others.  All with NO shed!

But friends the day has come...
Just off up the lottie, portable stove in hand to put together some shelves and bonus...Lauren has bought a new kettle - should be fun!

Love Melissa x

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