Tuesday, 30 June 2015

An experiment with pork 27th June 2015

Glastonbury is on the TV.

I like to think I have an eclectic taste in music, however some of the bands are utter bunk, so I am going to amuse myself in the kitchen just to ring the changes! (Georgie didn't spot that little ounce of sarcasm!)
Slight exaggeration on the 1473

I have a pork tenderloin that I need to do something with.  I had already planned to stuff it with some sort of mushroomy concoction and serve it with some braised lettuce and new pots.  Yes, I still have about 1473 lettuces left to eat, and am trying new things, but there is only so much little gem one can stuff inside them.
Hence the fact I really didn't fancy that for supper.

After speaking to Lauren (and if you haven't guessed by now she is my sister) she said why didn't I do schnitzels?  Ahhh, I thought, maybe not schnitzels, maybe I'll go one better, an idea was brewing!

I decided to tempura batter the pork.  That way I wouldn't end up with egg, flour and breadcrumbs up the walls of my kitchen and fingers I could actually deep fry.  So I mixed some cornflour and water, and thought damn... I am sure tempura is egg white and flour not water and flour... so I added the egg white to the flour and water I mean what's the worst that could happen - "OK love supper is schtupped, fish n chips it is"

I mixed in some smashed garlic to the tempura just for good measure.  (I used my new "garlic press" - pretty good too).  Then added the tenderloin, which I cut into rounds...

What to do with a Pressure Cooker you don't know how to use.

No 2 - Meat flattener - Smash meat with cooker

This book is going to be freaking awesome!

I added the rounds to the white gloopy mixture, coated well and deep-fried until crispy, served with a spicy tomato sauce and roasted new potatoes

What a triumph!!! Believe it or not they were really, really good!  Obviously I made this up, using quantities unknown, but have a go you may even surprise your self - I shocked the hell out of me!!!

Love Melissa x

Thursday, 25 June 2015

25th June - I LOVE shopping!

Today was a fun day. I got to visit a shop that I have been following on Facebook for some time, Second Chance Risca and they were brilliant; really friendly and helpful I don't know if you are the same as me but I just LOVE a bargain!
Second Chance Risca

Now, I need to confess something to you all. We all like to think we are the best parent that we can try to be, but the reality is this: we are all just winging it and putting on a brave face. At what point did the world become so opinionated on on the 'right way' to parent?! Oh. I know. When the internet allowed us to. Well I say "whatever" to everyone else and just do it MY WAY. Ha. (Ok I do take an interest in everyone else's tactics as well but in the end it IS my way). Any way, I digress. My confession: My almost 16 month old baby still sleeps in our bed every night. Phew! I said it! Yes Mum, I'm sorry, I have still not cracked it. Until now.....

THIS is the key:

My new purchase - I love it!

I have a new plan. I am going to upcycle my lovely second-hand rocking chair and put it in his bedroom. Then I'm going to give him his bottle (yes, he still has one!) while sitting in the rocking chair and pop him into his cot (awake). Then I'm going to read my book while sitting in said rocking chair until he falls asleep. It will be easy! Ha. But you haven't met Xavier. He has an aversion to his cot. I tried the crying it out previously and after 45mins of crying I couldn't take it any more. This will be THE way forward I just know it :-)

I'll post a picture of the finished chair soon and let you know how we get on...... Georgie xx

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Children #1

I bought this on holiday last year.

It does work wonders, Ava and Oliver keep referring to these when

a) one of them has their elbows on the table
b) one of them talks with their mouth full
c) etc etc

it doesn't work however, when one of them gets...

the wrong cup colour

or the wrong plate

or the wrong cutlery

or the wrong side of the table

or the wrong anything


the last rule always applies

Laugh, smile and enjoy being with your family

Love Melissa x

An experiment with noodles - 24th June 2015

For supper I have decided to go for a good old chicken noodle soup, homemade of course, and as an added bonus it is a favourite of him upstairs.  I usually find that one chicken breast is enough for the two of us in a soup - having made homemade pizza for the sprogs they are happy.

BUT this time, its time to shake things up a bit...

I am going all different!  No recipe!  Anyone who follows our blog should know recipes and I don't really mix that well!

Whilst at the supermarket a fortnight ago I bought some miso soup sachets.  I can't remember for the life of me why I bought these before and if I ever tried them?  Even though I'm sure I have.  Anyhoo, the idea is to poach said chicken breast in the miso soup to form some awesome concoction resembling chicken noodle soup, using the miso soup as a base.

Whilst poaching the chicken breast (about 20-25 mins on a low heat) I added some minced garlic & ginger to the soup.

Well... minced garlic is a bit of a lie.

I really couldn't be bothered to mince the garlic as I broke our garlic press about a month ago, so I chopped it up a bit and chucked it in.

Well, minced ginger is a bit of a lie too...

Look, I'm all for eating fresh produce n'all,  but ginger?! Friends will know, I don't usually advocate this... Buy it ready made folks, by the time you cut off the brown bits and try to 'grate' ginger you will end up with a load of juice on your chopping board along with really thick brown bits and a stringy bit of tree stump in your hands. Then you are left wondering "where the hell did the ginger go?"

Get the ready minced stuff,  it is the future.  Grating ginger sucks.  Big time.

Thinking about it.  I really should have asked for a new garlic press, NOT a pressure cooker... unless I mince the garlic with the pressure cooker... I may be onto something here...

What to do with a Pressure Cooker you don't know how to use.

No 1  Garlic smasher - hit garlic with cooker.

Think I'm onto a winning book there... don't tell him upstairs... he'd have a fit

Still the soup was nice, chopped garlic n'all!

Love Melissa x

PS. If you want the recipe just comment, however it is different every time I make it... like roulette...exciting

Weeknight One Pot

How is it that first hour of the morning before work/nursery goes so quickly?

My 3 year old Esmé is on top 'whinge pants' form asking for yogurts and cookies in between breakdowns about the wrong episode of Ben and Holly being on the box.

I'm rushing doing the lunch boxes (which I say to myself every morning 'I really should have done these last night!) whilst the other half (David) is battling said whinge pants into her clothes. Poof! Hour gone. There's barely  time for a swig of cold tea before we have to leave. I'm sure there's some kind of early morning time vortex going on!

After the morning whizz comes the long old drawl that is a day in the life of a customer service job......the joys! It's so utterly fantastic that I won't bore you with the details (love my job, can't you tell?) still, it pays the bills and more importantly, our food.

Which brings me to tonights tea, David is working late so I don't have to rush. Bring on one of my favourite weeknight one pots......

Pork and veggie traybake
(Serves 2-3)

1 red onion (cut into wedges)
6-8 new potatoes
1 red, 1 green pepper (cut into bite size chunks)
1 courgette (cut into large chunks)
2 fairly large tomatoes (wedged like the onion)
50-70g Chorizo (slice to pound coin thickness....ish!)
2 tbsp Olive or Rapeseed oil
Pork loin steak per person
Smoked paprika
Dried oregano
Salt and Pepper

Heat the oven to 180c (fan)

Before we get started, I have a little tip to share that I read somewhere on tinternet......in order to peel the outer skin of onions with ease, whack in the microwave for 10 seconds.

So, now you have read that, don't bother wasting 10 seconds of your life by doing this, it's absolute

I digress.....

Put the potatoes, onion, peppers and courgettes into a large roasting tray. Drizzle with oil and
season well with the salt, pepper and oregano (add as much or as little as you like)

Bang it in the oven for a good 25 - 30 mins.

During this time, cover your loins (not those ones you dirty things!) with the smoked paprika on either side and leave for flavour to mingle a while.

Take the tray out, add the tomatoes, chorizo and lay the loins on top.

Cook a further 20-30 mins.

Take out and wham bam, your done!

It's a tasty, no fuss meal which you can chop and change with different veg and meat (I especially like adding carrots and using chicken breast on the bone instead of pork)

Oh, damn, bugger, and whotsit, I totally forgot to add garlic! How is that possible? I put garlic in nearly everything and this recipe, I normally use a whole bulb!

Ok, cast your mind back to where we add the first lot of ingredients.....chuck in 8-10 garlic cloves (skins and all) when the dish is finished these little soft, sweet, golden nuggets of flavour absolutely make the dish........Dave was pretty miffed when I forgot them tonight!

I would share a delectable photo of the finished article on a plate but, alas, technology appears to have thrown a spanner in!

Love Lauren x

25th June - Introducing the 'Lottie & Ma's Fatless Sponge

It's been a busy few days in the Smith household what with birthdays, meeting up with old friends and trying to keep on top of the allotment so I haven't managed to get much written down lately. However, Darling Hubby is cooking supper (yay!) and the children are being entertained by the dreaded black box so I thought I'd try to make the most of it and introduce our 'Lottie to you all.

As I think I mentioned in the previous post, this is out first year taking it on and we have had a lot to do as it had been left in a bit of a state. So far it is a steep learning curve!


Yes we seem to be very good at keeping them fat and well fed, sadly - the cauliflowers and the brussell sprouts that we so lovingly planted - were the first casualties.

We have however learnt from our novice mistake and now have pellets, egg shells and ground coffee all over the plot in the hope of deterring them. Either that or we'll open up a weird 'lottie coffee shop. Ha. No joke they are HUGE. I'm informed they are called Leopard slugs. Now I am a nature lover but I wish the slugs would just Go. Away. Please.

Anyway I'm really looking forward to the blackberries ripening and to eating the home-grown peas (fab for the children's lunch boxes) and the sweetcorn and the tomatoes and the cucumbers........ and the list goes on.

You will soon realise that Lauren and Melissa are the main meal guru's and I prefer the sweeter things in life. With this in mind, I thought you might like to try my granny's family recipe for a good old  Ma's Fatless Sponge, which Xavier and I made for an Uncle this week for his birthday.

You will need:

4 eggs
5 1/2oz castor sugar
3 1/2oz plain flour (sieved)
1 jar of jam - I used strawberry but just choose your favourite

Serious concentration required!
  1. Put the eggs into a bowl and whisk well.
    A double yolk - Ooo!
  2. Beat in the sugar until it is thick, pale and creamy (like double cream).
  3. Fold in the flour (I always use a metal spoon for this as I seem to remember it keeps the air in better?!)
  4. Pour it into a baking tin and cook for 30 mins at 180 degrees C. 
  5. Remember to check if it is cooked  by sticking in a skewer. If it is ready the skewer will come out clean. If not put it back in the oven for another 5-10 mins. Yes, I did end up making 3 cakes instead of 2 because I got lazy and didn't do this important step!
  6. Let the cake cool. Use this time to make the second layer (steps 1 - 6).
  7. Warm the jam for a few minutes by putting the jar in a bowl of hot water, then mix it up with a spoon and spread all over the bottom layer. Pop the top layer on top and sprinkle with castor sugar (or icing sugar if you prefer).

Ta Da! You are finished and are an amazing Domestic Goddess!

Let me know what you think!

That's all for now, Georgie xx

June 23rd 2015 - Elderflower Champagne

Hi All, so this is my first ever blog! As you will soon find out, I’m the slightly wacky one. I love to try out new things and since this year is our first ever year owning an allotment you may be hearing about some of my green-fingered (and possibly a little muddy) exploits in the near future. I am (I must admit) quite easily distracted by life in general – I guess 3 children under the age of 8, a darling hubby (some of the time!), 2 Jack Russell terriers and a cat called Willow can do that to you – however, I DO seem to have more momentary lapses in concentration than most!

Off the top of my head I can think of quite a few time-keeping ‘mishaps’ that have occurred only this week. i.e.  Sending darling hubby off to the dentist – who he hates – only for him to phone me 5 minutes later from the car asking me politely to check the calendar – the conversation went something like this – Me: “Oh. Oh yes..... (studying calendar closely...) it does say next week, sorry!” Him: (calmly) “Yes I thought it might, since the building is all locked up...” Me: “Ooops, sorry! Oh would you mind buying some milk on the way home please?!” He does take my ‘little mistakes’ so well ha ha.

The second ‘little mishap’ involved my getting my gorgeous girly Tillianne (6 years old) completely ready for a birthday party; pretty dress, hair plaited and put up, card made completely from scratch, trip to the shops to choose last minute (of course!) presents for the twins birthday, pre-party photo shoot....

So we got to their house and thought to myself – this looks a bit quiet – said mildly to Tillianne “Since we’re early I think we might just nip home and check the invite darling” only to find out that yes, the date on the invite is indeed in 3 weeks time. I console myself with the fact that at least we didn’t knock on the door. Another ‘oops’ moment in my life. Ha. It’s what makes life interesting I promise!

Ok, so this week I’m going to tell you how to make Elderflower champagne. Another first for me, hopefully it will be delicious in about 2 week’s time. Here in south Wales the elder trees are in full flower around now, so this is the perfect time to have ago. We had lots of fun foraging for flowers with Xavier as our helper:

Elderflower (Sambucus nigra)

You will need:

8 large elderflower heads
4 lemons, washed and 2 cut into slices
8 litres of water
1.25kg (2 1/4lb) sugar
4tbsp of white wine vinegar        


1.      Put the sugar into a large, sterilised bucket. Boil 8 litre (1 ¾ gallons) of water and pour it over the sugar to dissolve it and leave to cool (this takes AGES and if you are like me you will be very impatient!)

2.      Shake the elderflower heads to remove any insects and add to the sugar solution with the juice of 2 of the lemons, the lemon slices and the white wine vinegar. Cover with a cloth and leave for one day. (I left mine for 2 days as life, as usual, got in the way).

3.      Strain though a fine sieve or muslin cloth (or old duvet if you are me!) into a clean, sterilised bucket, squeezing the flowers as you do so to release more flavour.

4.      Using a sterilised funnel, transfer into bottles, leaving 2 cm (3/4 in) at the top. Seal and store in a dark place. (N.B make sure you release the gas every so often especially with glass bottles as I have heard horror stories of them exploding in people’s cellars!) They are ready to drink in 10 – 14 days.

I wish I'd used nicer bottles now... I’ll let you know if it works... I can’t wait!

Love Georgie x

24th June 2015 - Redcurrants

Today I picked 2lbs/1kg of red currants from the allotment, so todays project is Red Currant Jelly amongst other things!  I have already prized the little red jewels off the stems with a fork, probably the most easy way of doing things.  It doesn't matter if you leave the littler stalks on, so believe me I wasn't faffing about with them!

I own an amazing book all about different preserves from air drying apples to home smoking fish etc.  And found an easy recipe for redcurrant jelly, so cracked on with that.  I halved the original recipe as I really wanted to use the other 1lb or redcurrants for something else.

So I plonked half of my bounty into a saucepan with a little water (just enought to cover the bottom of the pan) then promptly added the sugar - what a mistaker to maker!  In my eagerness to cook up an amazing batch or perfect jelly, I forgot the #1 Rule - READ THE RECIPE PROPERLY!

Therefore, lets wing it I thought, how bad can it be?!  Like I have said in a previous post, even I can totally mess up a perfectly composed recipe - so this is proof!  So, it's got two chances, you live, you learn eh?!

Redcurrant Jelly (this is the recipe I used which produced enough jelly to fill 2 old dijon mustard jars)

NB - Please read properly - don't be a numpty like me!

1lb/450g Redcurrants (with the stalks on)
1lb/450g Sugar

Add the redcurrants to about 300ml of water in a saucepan, and bring to the boil, turn the heat down and simmer for about 10 minutes or until the currants are soft, use a potato masher to mash the currants to extract all the juice.

Tip the pulp into a sieve lined with muslin (or like me just a random piece of old, clean cloth).  Leave to strain for several hours or overnight (or if you are totally impatient - like me - just give a good ol' squeeze, until you think "yep that's enough")


Measure the strained juice you have and calculate the amount of sugar you require (1lb/450g per 600ml/1 pint of juice)  As I have previously mentioned I didn't actually get past point 1 before I'd chucked the lot in!  Pour the juice and sugar into a saucepan and stir until all the sugar has dissolved.

Bring to the boil and cook on a rolling boil for about 10-20 minutes until setting point has been achieved.  I would start testing after about 7 minutes as the pectin content in the currants is quite high.  And I did the old plate and finger test - where you put a teaspoon of jelly on a plate allow to cool for a minute or so then push it with your finger - if it wrinkles its done.

Pot up into sterilised jars, seal and store in a cool dark place.

A really cool way to sterilise jars if you are antsy like me is to add a little water to the jar and slam in the microwave until bubbling - hey presto - sterilised jars.  Obviously don't put in the lids that would be really stupid, putting it mildly.


Redcurrant Cordial    This made one 500ml bottle and a little left over.

1lb/450g Redcurrants
12oz/350g Caster Sugar
1tsp Citric Acid

Same applies as above pretty much, although you simmer the fruit for about 5 minutes, whilst mashing.  Strain. Calculate juice to sugar (12oz/350g required for each 16fl oz/500ml of juice) add the sugar and citric acid to the juice and stir until dissolved.  Bottle - sterilised of course.

You can store in the fridge if you want to drink straight away, or, as it happens this is freezable also.

Happy trails, love Melissa x

PS the cordial tastes awesome in a drop of cider :)

Wednesday 24th June

About ME..
My name is Sian I'm very blonde and live up to the stigma of being blonde too!  I am married and have 2 young kids that are in school.

I'm registered disabled and have had mobility problems since birth, but nothing and no one stops me from doing anything......EVER!

So here is my first blog...

Slimming Cake

I started slimming world 2 weeks ago and I am pleased to say I lost 5lb during the 1st week. Because of this little triumph I thought it would be nice to cook a meal for me and the hubby as a sort of reward.  As being the blonde I am I accidentally cut the tip of my finger so hubby banned me from cooking last week (oops) ..

The pictures I have uploaded (with help from Mel) are of a cake that is only 2.5 syns per slice which is great as I have a massive sweet tooth.  As you can see I am not the tidiest cook in the world... and yes I did clean the kitchen after me...otherwise hubby would have a meltdown :)

This picture is of the cake baking in the oven and to my surprise it did smell pretty nice.  As the cake was cooking I made the topping of Quark and Philidelphia cheese with icing sugar and it's stunning. Quark, what a weird name for soft cheese though I've never heard of it until today.

Love Siân

June 19th 2015

So, I am the proud owner of a brand new pressure cooker and a 6ltr beast it is too..

Looking at it in all its shiny glory I am a little bit too excited just thinking of all the numerous things I can cook in under 2 milliseconds saving myself lots of time!  That's until I take a step back and think... What on earth do I actually do with this great looming monster?!

It all seemed like such a super, brilliant idea... my parents own a pressure cooker too, which sits happily on their stove cheerfully puffing out steam, with some sort of culinary masterpiece cooking away.  I don't believe for one second that's how it's going to be for me, I am already imagining the different kinds of mush him upstairs and the spoglets will be forced to eat.  Anyways, I'll keep you posted on that little experiment!

On to dinner this evening.  As it is a beautiful June day, I have decided to go all 'Al fresco' much to him upstairs' amusement as he left for work this morning.

I have already started to blind bake the pastry for the Red Onion, Courgette, Spinach and Feta Quiche, which I intend to serve with some spuds, which I have conveniently been growing just in time for said 'Al fresco' dinner yay!  I am also going to serve a green salad of little gem lettuces (I planted enough to feed the free world) and some homemade coleslaw.


Baking beans everywhere :(   NOT a good start to the proceedings.  Still look at my lovely spangly pressure cooker...

As you will notice most of the ingredients in this recipe are approximate.  I very rarely do exact.  I can quite easily mess up a perfectly written recipe so I think why take the chance.  I like to go with my instinct, very daring - I know!  If it tastes like manure first time, I'll try again.

There is something else you will need to know in advance, I love to eat healthily but I still eat and love double cream, butter, sugar and drink full fat milk.  As my grandfather said 'Everything in Moderation' and this has become a sort of mantra in our home.  So if you are a stick insect trying to lose those last few milligrammes of health you are clinging onto... DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME - go eat a celery stick, with compliments.

Whilst making this I did chuck in some double cream, as it happens, that was hanging about in the fridge, so fingers crossed.

Red Onion and Courgette Quiche

Probably Serves 4-6

2 Red Onions - sliced
2 Courgettes (or 1 Big one) - sliced
2 Eggs
milk (I used whole milk)
plain flour (or if you run out use self raising - I do)
Couple of handfuls of frozen spinach (defrosted, in the microwave, if you are like me.)
Or a bag of fresh spinach
Feta - which is optional but I think this adds to the flavour!
Pastry - homemade or bought.  I used bought, who are we trying to kid here?! Yes I can make pastry but I usually get frustrated trying to roll out breadcrumbs.

Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan (400F/350F) Blind bake the pastry for 10-15 minutes.  Trying not to drop the nuclear hot baking beans all over your mobile phone and worktop!

Meanwhile, fry the onions and courgettes in a little oil over a low-medium heat until softened.

Add the glorious butter - I would say a generous dessert spoon.  Once the butter is melted add some flour, approximately a tablespoon, and mix into the vegetables to form a sort of oniony, courgetty roux. 

Gradually add some milk a little at a time to get a white sauce consistency.  This is where I bunged in the double cream I had kicking about.  It should be quite thick, the eggs will loosen the mixture.

At this stage I add a little salt and pepper along with the spinach.  Leave the mixture to cool a little.  Once cooled, beat in the eggs one at a time and mix thoroughly.  Pour the mixture into the pre-baked pastry case and if you like feta push in some chunks here and there.

Slam in the oven for about 20-25 minutes until browned, but still with a slight wobble.  Mine looked like this...

 Enjoy!  I'm off to harvest them spuds!

Love Melissa x

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

23rd June 2015 - At the Allotment

Just a little excited today...

We finally move into our newly erected shed which is on our allotment that we acquired only 3 weeks ago, many thanks to Georgie. When we got there it was totally overgrown, but closer inspection revealed some hidden treasures amongst the many, many, many weeds.  We found an entire bed of strawberries, masses or raspberry bushes, redcurrant bushes, gooseberry bushes and some rhubarb to boot!

Unfortunately, being the cretin that I am sometimes, I have deleted our first ever photo, I don't think Lauren will be too happy. However, here is a picture from about day 3, we had already dug over the first two raised beds.
Most of the other 8 beds we had yet to dig contained giant vegetables which had been left to their own devices, all of which sadly were totally inedible.

Perseverence and hard work won out, during the past fortnight we have been able to plant - swedes, sweetcorn, potatoes, peas, cabbage, fennel and carrots, as well as radish, lettuce and mooli amongst others.  All with NO shed!

But friends the day has come...
Just off up the lottie, portable stove in hand to put together some shelves and bonus...Lauren has bought a new kettle - should be fun!

Love Melissa x

June 22nd 2015

Monday....boy, how we all love a Monday! 

Its 7pm, I’ve just put my little monkey to bed which means its time for tea for the other half and me (that rhymes! And my sister will kill me for saying me instead of I! Grammar queen that she is!)
We have had a busy weekend, what with raising the shed at the allotment, drinking too much at our Aunty’s BBQ and cooking a Sunday roast for 7. 

After work today I’m hardly feeling my usual ‘cooky’ self.  It's a whip up of leftovers for our dining delights tonight, although I can’t be bothered, I don't want to take the really easy route of having boring old bubble and squeak. I’m thinking, something that is not too time consuming, not too hard but definitely tasty.
So if your after a little something different, check out my take on a lovely supper for using up roast beef leftovers.

Btw, don’t expect exact measurements, I’m a ‘wing it’ kind of girl and have always believed that confidence is your friend when cooking.....

Lauren’s Tortilla and Cold Meat
Probably serve 4

1 tbsp Oil
Cold meat (roast beef in this case but anything will go)
6x Eggs
Milk (a good splash)
1 onion (sliced)
Pre-cooked potatoes (I used a mixture of boiled jerseys and maris piper roasts)
1 large tomato (sliced)
50g of grated cheese (again, I chucked in what I had – Applewood smoked, Comte and cheddar
A few handfuls of salad leaves
Salt and Pepper

Take a frying pan and heat the oil over a med/high heat, in the mean time, beat the eggs and milk together with some seasoning.

Lob your onions into the pan and sweat down until soft. Turn the heat up a notch and add your cooked potatoes. Fry for 5 minutes tossing occasionally until warmed through. 

Lay the sliced tomatoes over the potatoes and onions and then pour over the beaten egg mix. Once the egg is settled, sprinkle over the majority of the cheese and leave to cook for 10 minutes or so or until the egg mix has almost lost its wobble.

Whilst the tortilla is cooking, pre-heat the grill. When the tortilla is nearly cooked, sprinkle on the remaining cheese and grill until brown and bubbly.

Once ready, slide the tortilla onto a chopping board, cut into wedges and serve with the sliced cold meat and leaves.

If you're feeling really adventurous, spoon on some pickles and enjoy!

Love Lauren x

21st June 2015

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my cat, Obi (as in Obi Wan Kenobi).  Probably the most stupid animal on the planet.

Today is Sunday.  Morning.  We had a busy day yesterday - a newly freecycled shed to erect in the morning at the allotment and a BBQ get together with him upstairs' extended family.  The house looks like a bombs gone off, and I have big plans to sort out our shed in the back garden too.  Our shed is like an oubliette, we put stuff in there to forget about.

So in order to get underway with said big plans, I need to have a quick whip around to get the place in some sort of order.

This is what happens...

Can you see him, there at the back?!!!

15 minutes later...no honestly...15 minutes later

I did try to shut the drawers, but the animal just sat there.  Exasperated, I was left with no choice, (NO I didn't wash him you evil people!)  I left the washer open until he decided that the machine had, had a thorough inspection, and very slowly ambled out and moved onto something less interesting, which happened to be staring at the nearest cupboard.

Gotta love him tho'

Love Melissa x