Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Irish Mike

Hello, Hello,

Again it has been a while.....I am so busy with work and Mad Madam Mimm that I hardly get chance to share with you all! Its 10.15 on a Wednesday and I really should be making my way to bed but I was feeling the need to blog.

So....who Irish Mike I hear you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Mel and I have had the allotment for appx 2 months now. The majority of the time we are there, we get a visit from one of our parent's acquaintance'....Mike. He is an Irish gentleman around late 70's in age but he is just the sprightliest most funny old fellow, I remember him  from our old local (no longer open) and when he first came to see our plot we were extremely interested in what he had to say (being a weathered plotter) 'Hi Mike, how are you?' we would ask, only to be responded with, 'wht yr doin tere now? you need to get some netting ovr tat'
Off he trotted, coming back with pipes and netting to create a safe haven for our lovely broad beans. He still had no idea who we were.
Next trip to the plot, he come along with 2 big handfuls of strawberries....'tere for te little one's' he says, 'I got no use for tem, I don't like tem' 'tell te gerls ti help temselves to me strawberries'
Moving on to the next visit, he brings over a bag of mini cheddars, pulls up the patio chair in front of our shed and starts conversing with the girls and giving away his little snack pack to them. Meanwhile, I'm digging over an empty bed with a fork whilst Mel de-weed's in another. Mike disappears, then reappears with a manual rotavator - to make things easier for him (and his rotavator - I might nick it!)

Do you know what he says?

'I like t' help tose tat work hard for temselves'

And that is really what this little post is about, work hard and you will reap the benefits, not only will you meet wonderful and helpful people along the way but you will have an immense feeling pride in yourself....something I think a lot of people lack these days.

Love Lauren x

P.S, Mike only realised  who myself and Mel were when our mum came down the plot to help and spoke to him.....doddery old fool! :-)   (jokes people, jokes!)

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