Thursday, 9 July 2015

Cooking with Slugs


Well not actual slugs.  Had you going for a bit though!

Slugs as in my children, wherever they go they leave a mess behind them, which muggins here, still picks up!

As children my parents believed that my sister and I  should be able to cook, and at the very least be able to cook a meal that was edible.  Being taught by my Dad usually meant a stool being pulled up to where he was preparing and cooking.  He talked through everything he was doing whilst we listened, and were encouraged to get hands on.  This is probably where my love of cooking first stemmed from - happy memories.  I would like to say a massive thank you to my Mum & Dad without their guidance I wouldn't be 1/4 of the cook I am today.

Ava getting 'hands on'
It seems only right that my children do the same. I am extremely proud that my children know where their food comes from.  Watching some programmes on the TV it is evident that this knowledge is getting lost in an ever increasing technological world.  Some children don't know that chips are made from the humble spud.  I think more children know where the HDMI port on their computer is, before knowing that bacon comes from a pig!!!
Ava is now 5 years old, she knows what a butternut is, she can differentiate a cucumber and a courgette.  she adores eating olives and anchovies, in fact all fish - she does think she is Toothless the dragon mind you!  I feel sad that most children won't even experience these different flavour sensations even into adulthood.  And please don't get me wrong, this is not me getting on my soap box, its just my observation.  As I said, I have been very lucky given that my parents advocate fresh quality and most importantly, home made food.

So today we start off simple - Homemade Fish Fingers, Broccoli and Mashed Potatoes
The recipe can be found at BBC Good Food

 We started by washing our hands, beating the eggs and bread crumbing the fish.  I happened upon some frozen pollock from the supermarket, which I thought was incredibly handy as fresh was unavailable!

 We did make a bit of a mess!

 Ava's end result (with some oven and cooker help from Mummy) Delicious!

Broccoli mash - what a revelation!!  Ava normally pulls the 'urrghh' face, broccoli not being one of her favourite 'flavour sensations'  Oliver on the other hand LOVES the stuff!  However, she quite happily ate the lot, along with the obligatory tomato ketchup

Mummy - 1
Ava - 0

No#1 Rule in our home . . . Mummy always wins :)

Till next time, Love Melissa x

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