Adults are often keen to know what we get up to and how the children will ever learn anything if they are not at school, although often they won't ask out of embarrassment. School children are just as curious to know what we get up to and it's refreshing to be asked out-right what it is we have been doing. A few days ago I found it wonderful to be asked by a neighbour's 10 year old daughter a barrage of intelligent questions about home schooling whilst we were in the park, and I thought I'd share some of the answers with you all:
1) Do they have to do tests?
No. Only if they want to or if I want to see if they have learnt anything.
2) Do they have to follow the National Curriculum?
No. The National Curriculum only applies to children in school. It is up to to us to decide what a "suitable education" is, as long as it is relevant to the children's age and to modern day life, the world is our oyster!
3) Do you have to be a qualified teacher?
No. You simply need the desire to help your child to learn. What is required is time, commitment and resourcefulness.
4) How do you know what level they are at?
We find a wealth of information on the internet and can easily level the children with resources such as online tutoring programmes, numeracy and literacy tests, work books etc.
5) Will the children ever go back to school?
Maybe. We have committed for this year and we will take each year as it comes. Time will tell!
So, with these questions out of the way, what have we been up to?!
Oh my goodness we have been busy!
We have learnt how to make notebook gifts with Willowlane Designs, watching the lunar eclipse (at 3am!), visiting Cornwall, learning about jelly fish, visiting the opera, finding out about the Stuarts, learning about business, climbing walls, cycling, walking, pond dipping, sailing, visiting castles, building, questioning, singing in our community choir (Nidus Choir)....
Did I mention we've been busy?! |
So we seem to be finding our feet! The DIY is coming to an end for the time being (until the next moment of madness ha ha) and Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas are looming. The weather is changing, the jumpers are out and (occasionally) the heating is on. Am I really mean that I have a hot water bottle and the children don't? Surely they have a better circulatory system than little old me... and they do have blankets on their beds? I do feel a little guilty though.
:-) Georgie :-)
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